St. Joseph’s Ashram, Rattenpura

In 2002, Rattenpura was raised as a parish and Br. Johnson Chittilappilly was appointed as the first Parish Priest. In the begining, Deenabandhu Ashram was functioning as the centre of parish activities, it was later that a separate piece of land was bought and the Parish is functioning in the new place. 

A temporary friary was put up by Brs. Jacob Kalelly and Reji Vadakkel. A Hindi Medium School for the local children was started and initially Brs. Jacob, Reji and Johnson looked after the construction works. It was completed by Brs. Sebastian Ullathottam and Binu A. M. in 2014. Attempts are being made to upgrade the school to provide modern facilities to the local children.


The friars must be very careful not to accept churches or poor dwellings for themselves, or anything else built for them, unless they are in harmony with the poverty which we have promised in the Rule; and they should occupy these places only as strangers and pilgrims