Shanti Bhavan, Dayalgarh

Since 2002, a new stream of thinking was taking place in the Krist Jyoti regarding the target group of our services; where is the province heading? Where is the “dehat mission”? Are we not too much mired with English Medium Schools? What about our presence and service for the poorest of the poor? These musings were in the air. 

There were boardings in Rajasthan, and in U. P. , but nothing worthwhile in Punjab for the service of the poor. What shall we do? What about our option for the poor? These prophetic echoes affected the thinking and feelings of the brothers. Some of the brothers were keen to start a centre in Punjab for the service of the poor. 

Little wonder the Provincial Chapter of 2005 reflected upon these issues, presented in the agenda of the Chapter, and resolved to start a house for the destitute in a suitable place and it was materialized in the year 2008. The new house was established at Dayalgarh near Batala in Punjab. Br. Martin Poothokaren, the main source of the prophetic ponderings, volunteered to take charge of the house for the poor. 

CSN Sisters assisted initially in this ministry and was later taken up by the F. C. C. sisters in 2012. St. Francis School came forward as a strong support for the positive venture. It was Br. Martin’s courage to go ahead inspite of problems and tensions! He arranged solar power for light and pumping the water, and arranged street light around the campus.

Meanwhile a healthy percentage of expenses are met by good willed people of Punjab. The dedicated contribution of Br. Martin is really praise worthy.


The friars must be very careful not to accept churches or poor dwellings for themselves, or anything else built for them, unless they are in harmony with the poverty which we have promised in the Rule; and they should occupy these places only as strangers and pilgrims