St. Paul’s, Ghaziabad

The idea of the Capuchin presence in New Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad goes to the credit of the Vincentian fathers from Kerala who in 1977, started an English Medium School in New Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad. Owing to the untimely death of the founder Fr. Emmanuel Pallikunnen VC, the Vincentians left for Kerala and the school, which was initially being run in a small rented room, was taken over by Br. Amadeus. He was of the Province of Tuscany. He renamed the new site for the school as St. Paul’s Academy. He was practically unable to run the school. He contacted Br. Blaise to solve the problem. 
Br. Blaise, the then regional superior had requested Bishop Patrick Nair, asking the diocese to take over the school. But the bishop made it clear that the diocese did not want to go for an English Medium school, and asked the Capuchin Provincial in Kerala to start a school in Ghaziabad. The missionaries were not too keen to go for it mainly due to scarcity of personnel and fund but the Provincial insisted upon the said project.
Br. Tobias and Mathew Ullatt were the pioneers of this Project. Br. Matthew Ullatt, at that time a member of the South Province had come for 3 months of holidays, with an eye to opt for North in 1978. He was assigned to New Raj Nagar to work out the project. Br. Hadrian joined Br. Matthew for a short period and they stayed in a rented building which was used also as the school during daytime.
Initially, two Holy Cross Sisters of Menzingen from Piplera helped out in the school for a couple of years. In 1981, the Holy Cross Sisters were replaced by the F. C. C. Sisters. In the meantime a new plot of land was acquired and the building work of the school started in earnest. The acquiring of the school plot from G. D. A., the construction of the school Building etc. were the hard work of Br. Matthew Ullatt. He took it upon himself as a big challenge to raise fund from different sources and the construction work went on. By January 1983, the school was shifted to the new building.
The Catholics around the area attended Holy mass in a classroom and a parish was established in New Raj Nagar under the patron St. Paul. In 1991, after ten years of service the F. C. C. Sisters left for good and Brs. Ivan and Simon Kottoor, so far living in class rooms, shifted to the convent building and it became their residence. St. Paul’s building was completed and was raised as a Senior Secondary School under Brs. Simon and Ivan.
In 1992, Br. Ivan built the Parish Church with special permission from the G. D. A. and Br. Hugh completed and furnished it. The inauguration and blessing of the Church took place on December 20, 1992 by Bishop Rt. Rev. Patrick Nair.
Foundation Stone for the K. G. block was laid by Br. Dominic Thirunilath, the Vice-Provincial in 2006 and the construction work was looked after by Brs. Alexander and Simon.


The friars must be very careful not to accept churches or poor dwellings for themselves, or anything else built for them, unless they are in harmony with the poverty which we have promised in the Rule; and they should occupy these places only as strangers and pilgrims