St. Joseph’s Centre, Rampur

The place used to be a zoo (chidiya-ghar) at the time of Muslim nawabs who ruled Rampur till 1947. Br. Pius Tei of Tuscany province bought this plot of land along with a couple of old buildings in 1963 in the name of the Diocese of Meerut. In 1965, St. Joseph’s Rampur was established as a parish. Br. Pius Tei and Br. Lanfrank Lossi were the pioneer missionaries of Rampur district. In the year 1976, this plot of land with its old buildings was handed over by the Diocese of Meerut to the Northern Capuchin Mission of St. Joseph Province, Kerala in view of starting a Vocational Training Centre for poor boys. Br. P. A. Joseph, then working in Agra from 1970 to 76 was appointed as the first parish priest and superior. The present Centre is the fruit of the vision and hard work of Br. Blaise and Br. P. A. Joseph, the former made massive projects burning midnight oil for the master plan with the funding agencies and the latter put up the workshop and the hostel in 1981-82. The VTC was formally opened in 1982. Br. Hadrian served Rampur centre for a few years for the renovation of Friary, Church, and workshops. Brs. Lanfrank and Luke of Tuscany province served the VTC for many years.

St Joseph’s Centre also served as the Minor Seminary of the region in the year 1987-88, with Br. Abel as its rector, till it was shifted to Masuri, Dasna. During the incessant rains and flood in the year 1977, P. A. Joseph, the parish priest surveyed the flood stricken area in Swar tehsil and organised massive relief works with the help of Caritas India, Meerut Seva Samaj and other funding agencies.

The first centre was Dhanori village near Swar, and the work expanded to Azimnagar, Tanda, Milakkanam, Karimpur, Arsal-Parcel, Chunnavala, Rajanagar etc. While P. A. Joseph stressed on developmental work, Br. D. James, his successor gave more importance to catechetical and pastoral approach. With their untiring effort we now have parishes in all the villages mentioned above. It was wonderful that the late Bp. Patrick Nair, guided and blessed the work, and recommended the projects.

St. Anne’s sisters, who have an English Medium Senior Secondary School, collaborate with us in the parish activities. Initially they ran a Hindi Medium school in Rampur, which was called “Bhor ka Tara School”.

In view of providing medical services, especially to the women, one acre of land was given to the Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate, who started St. Joseph’s Hospital in that plot.

In June 2015, the VTC was affiliated to the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), New Delhi. However, after the Covid pandemic and the lockdown, there are no students in the VTC. The furniture manufacturing unit is functioning in the VTC premises. In 2015, a play school (Genius Kids) was opened. After a few years it was closed down.

As per the Chapter resolution, the Provincial and Council obtained the permission of Bishop Francis Kalist to start a new English medium school in St. Joseph’s Centre premises. For this purpose, a Lease Deed was signed between the representatives of the Diocese of Meerut and St. Joseph’s Capuchin Service Society for 30 years, starting from 05 May 2022 up to 03 May 2052, on an annual rent of Rs. 2400/-. As per the agreement, the diocese has earmarked 3.118 acres of land to open and operate an educational institution under the name ‘St. Joseph’s Academy’. This new school project is underway.


The friars must be very careful not to accept churches or poor dwellings for themselves, or anything else built for them, unless they are in harmony with the poverty which we have promised in the Rule; and they should occupy these places only as strangers and pilgrims